Turn your smartphone into a remote

A hand is holding an iphone in front of a dark grey garage door. The screen shows an app which allows you to control your Garage Door from your phone. This is known as Garage Door Automation in Perth

Turn your smartphone into a garage door remote, with a smart phone enabled garage.

Smart phone technology is operated by Wi-fi allowing you to control your door from anywhere in the world with internet connection. A few years ago we opened our garage in Mandurah all the way from a park in Portugal.

Just some of the benefits of an opener that is smart phone compatible:

  • Monitor and control your garage door, even when you aren’t home
    You can set it up so that you get notifications each time your garage door is opened.
  • Convenience
    Instead of taking keys with you when you go out for a walk, just take your phone and use that as a remote for your garage.
  • Peace of mind
    Easily check if you have left the garage door open while you are out.
  • More affordable than having multiple remotes
    If you need multiple remotes, a smart phone compatibility kit, can actually become more cost effective. It also helps make your property more secure as you avoid lost and stolen remotes.
  • Manage who has access to your home and when
    Not only can you allow others access to your home, but you can also set the times that they can access your door.
  • PE Beams ensure your families safety and ensures that the garage door won’t close if there is an obstruction.

If you would like to know more about smart phone compatibility, or to see if you can turn your phone into a remote, we’d love to help you out.